Our services

We deliver individual creative audio solutions for


We create and customize a wide range of music having all the best vst standards in the music industry from Native Instruments, East West, Projectsam, Strezov Sampling, Spitfire Audio and Keepforest over to Vienna Instruments and many more.

You need music for your project? Let's have a talk!

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Clients Feedback

“At Headup we´ve been with Luigi on several projects over the last ten years. Luigi is a great composer who can cover different styles of music. He works fast and reliably and the satisfaction of his customers is important to him. It´s an absolute pleasure working with him.”, Marcel Aldrup, Executive Producer at Headup
"It was very pleasant to work with Luigi. He is very passionate about his work and you can feel his desire to compose the best possible music for your project. Luigi is talented, fair and reliable and I am glad I got to work with him." Retrific, developer of Colt Canyon
"Luigi is an excellent composer and partner to work with. Luigi goes out of his way to make sure you have the right music for the right tone. Excellent at working side by side, taking email after email of revision and changes. I trust Luigi to make the music I need for any game! Thank you Luigi", Joe Bauer, developer of "The fabled woods"
"Ich bin absolut begeistert von Luigis Arbeit. Er hat meine Expertise in Musik verwandelt. Nun bin ich stolze Besitzerin meines eigenen Soundtracks, der genau das wiedergibt, was ich an meine Kunden weitergebe. Luigi, du bist nun sozusagen ein Teil meiner Vision. Ich danke dir von Herzen für diesen Song, der mich immer noch überwältigt." Nadia Holz, mentavit
“Luigi-Maria Rapisarda hat es geschaft meinen Spielfilm in etwas besonderes zu verwandeln! Er hat das richtige Gespür für die einzelnen Szenen und ihre Stimmungen und verstärkt diese Stimmungen noch! Dazu kommt noch seine unkomplizierte Art. Ein perfekter Komponist mit dem ich jederzeit wieder arbeiten würde!" Thomas Pill, Regisseur, Grimms Kinder
Your project gets to the best level with our music and sound inspired by the grand musical legends. Let's have a talk now about your project!

Luigi-Maria Rapisarda lives and works in Heilbronn.
He loves what he does because it's not only making music for media. He loves diving into the different worlds and feelings of the characters and plots and get the best atmosphere through music and sounddesign.